Soy Token Issuance and Distribution Schedule
This document describes the distribution of SOY tokens and the release plan.
To learn more about the Soy Finance monetary policy and the role of SOY token within the platform, read our Monetary Policy Vision.
Initial SOY Allocation
At genesis, 120 million soy tokens will be minted, representing 20% of the maximum supply of 600 million SOY tokens (in the stable case).
The tokens will be distributed as follows:

The wallets holding these tokens are identified below:
Pre-mint wallet: 0xe409e89699C647214847830173Fc0625516E5Ca6.
Initial Dex Offering (IDO) wallets:
Daily Auction wallet: 0xEbBDd505bA4E6CaD0C17ccd5cbd88CBA073Fe934.
Weekly Auction wallet: 0xAD2e597F27F5988ADB8876D1c3b1A5C64c6d7403.
SOY Finance Treasury: 0x9b22f4A79000c5a23eE22506F85791232Fe47215.
Callisto Enterprise Wallet: 0x0d436Bf69d8cEb057d3E6A0dC5771e936F6721F5.
Marketing/Bounties/Private Sale: 0x17DD70E2aEF04d5b7E83db7e472f1B9D78947e76.
Initial Dex Offering (75%) - 90 Million Soy tokens
From the originally planned 90 million tokens, there were 3.8 million SOY tokens sold during the IDO. Following discussions within the team, it was agreed that the remaining tokens would be transferred to the SOY Finance treasury wallet and would be used in two manners:
80% will be locked and available for over-the-counter (OTC) sales by private treaty for 24 months, and then the leftover will be burned.
20% will be locked and allocated to boost early farmers' incentives and facilitate adoption during deployments on new blockchains.
Soy Finance Initial Dex Offering Wallets
Airdrop (10%) - 12 Million Soy tokens
By airdropping 12 million tokens, we aim to distribute the SOY tokens equitably and increase the platform's decentralization.
The tokens are locked and will be airdropped in 7 consecutive phases.
Phase 1 - Sowing Soy - PancakeSwap Active Users Airdrop - 500 000 SOY tokens.
Tokens to be unlocked starting from 13 April 2022 to 28 April 2022.
Phase 2 - Sowing Soy - SushiSwap Active Users Airdrop - 500 000 SOY tokens.
Tokens to be unlocked starting from 30 April 2022 to 14 May 2022.
Phase 3 - Sowing Soy - UniSwap Active Users Airdrop - 500 000 SOY tokens.
Tokens to be unlocked starting from 15 May 2022 to 29 May 2022.
Phase 4 - Sowing Soy - 1inch Active Users Airdrop - 500 000 SOY tokens.
Tokens to be unlocked starting from 30 May 2022 to 13 June 2022.
Phase 5 - Storing Soy - CryptoBot Active Users Airdrop - 1 000 000 SOY tokens.
The 1 million SOY tokens in the CryptoBot Airdrop will be distributed in 10 waves of 100,000 tokens per wave, one wave every two weeks.
Tokens to be unlocked starting from 15 April 2022 to 19 August 2022.
Phase 6 - Deep Freezing SOY - Callisto Cold Stakers - 3 000 000 SOY tokens.
Tokens to be unlocked starting from 29 July 2022 to 7 October 2022.
Phase 7 - Harvesting Soy - Details to be published on 25/08/22.
The tokens allocated to the first four phases are unlocked and stored in the Airdrop wallet: 0x0E2bfaabb56A83326A34299Ce75BBbab8A03Fce2.
The tokens allocated to phases 5, 6, and 7 are locked and currently stored in the pre-mint wallet.
Callisto Enterprise (5%) - 6 Million Soy tokens
Callisto Enterprise is the entity that provides funding for the development of SOY Finance. Therefore 5% of the SOY tokens will be allocated to Callisto Enterprise.
These tokens are not locked.
Tokens unlocked and stored in the Callisto Enterprise Wallet.
Callisto Team Members - Dynamic Motivation System (5%) - 6 Million Soy tokens
Callisto team members will be awarded 5% through a dynamic motivation system to support the project's development over time.
These tokens are not locked.
Tokens unlocked and stored in the team wallet.
Bug-Bounty Programs - 4,8 Million Soy tokens (4%)
To ensure Soy Finance meets the highest level of security, bug bounty programs will be organized and supported by 4% of the pre-minted SOY tokens.
These tokens are not locked.
Tokens unlocked and stored in the team wallet.
Marketing - 1,2 Million Soy tokens (1%)
In order to support the marketing efforts and promote the soy finance platform, 1% of the pre-minted tokens will be allocated to marketing.
These tokens are not locked.
Tokens unlocked and stored in the team wallet.
Last updated